
I heart Pandora!

I'm probably the last person in the world to check this website out but now I'm addicted. www.PANDORA.com I'm in love! You can hand pick what songs/artists you want to listen to as you work for FREE. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, you'll love it. No need for an ipod or Sirius subscription. Did I mention it's FREE to use and commercial free too. So far I've made my "chill music" like DMB and Coldplay and my "hip hop" list with TI, Lil Wayne and more. Is it sad that I'm looking forward to cleaning my house next weekend with my new radio station...bye bye Sirius!

To Tat or Not to Tat?!

...all this talk of tattoos lately has my mind going. If I was getting a tattoo, what would I get? I think I know what I would do, just not where I would put it. It's no secret that my hubby has a high tolerance for pain and has MANY tattoos, tattoos over old tattoos and wants more all from back in the day. We've already got our "tattoo" plans down. I won't give away his next one, OR the meaning. :o) Don't bother guessing, and no it's not my name--hehe! My spontaneous friend, who I'll refer to as Mia was going to get her tattoo this weekend but had to change plans. I guess I'm just feeling spontaneous and want to spice it up a bit. You know that rush you get when you are about to do something fun with friends, love that feeling! Nothing like making a memory, especially with people you love!

In case you want to play around and look at tattoo choices, this website is fun. www.tattoojohnny.com



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