(seventeen, one of my lucky numbers)
This little man came into our lives. His litter consisted of 8 fawn boxers-6 girls and 2 boys. The big fat male was spoken for. That left minimal chance that Steven would pick the only other male. We went with an open mind. I liked Fat Girl (she was um, fat!) and Steven liked Fuzzy Boy. The owner named each one according to their looks and personality. Zane was the softest of them all-he still is unusually soft. Steven was attracted to him right away before knowing he was a male. We toyed around with which one we wanted. Steven was set on a boy. So, I picked Fuzzy boy up to my face and said you better do something special because I want Fat Girl. He then put his paw on my cheek and looked me straight in the eye. Hey! that is a lot for a 3 week old. So, we went with Fuzzy Boy the runt. Little did we know that runt would be a massive 72lbs of muscle and turn into a very large boxer boy. Here they are lounging around at 3 weeks!