Every other weekend Steven and I take turns selecting where to eat out. Yeah, two little oinkers, I know! Anyways, so this past weekend he picked the Cajun Steamer. If you haven't tried it, we highly suggest it. It's always packed and the food is so yummy. We invited my parents because they love seafood and Cajun cooking too. We heart that restaurant! (even though gator tail won over fried pickles as an appetizer)
I'm a first grade teacher learning to find joy in the journey with my amiable boxer, Zane. Married in 06 and divorced in 11, this blog follows my life and the unscripted moments that make me, me! I'm passionate about my family & friends, worldly travels, flea market finds, other cultures, children, photography, the color green, and willingly succumb to Mexican food any day of the week.
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