
My Sad Look-A-Like...

Okay, so it's apparently doppelganger week on FB. I thought I would post my look a like on here instead. It's nobody to be proud of! In college there was a band called THE LEWINSKY'S....yep they offered to pay me to come "sign" autographs at their concert because everyone said I looked like her. I was way too shy, of course I declined. One time I was minding my own business in Wal-Mart and a man came up to me and told me he had a cigar if I wanted to meet him the back. Yeah, real funny! I seriously got called Monica for a long time.

ICE, ICE, Baby!

I went sledding! Yep, the wooden sleds with metal blades, the kind that literally flies through ice and snow! Robert and Esther picked me up (S was sick) and we went to the historic battlefield site off Kedron and met their in-laws. Who knew that hill was SO high! At the top, a view of Spring Hill and an old cannon. We stayed a little over an hour--it was cold! We also had 6 adults and 1 toddler sharing sleds. Too bad we didn't have a ski lift to make the process move faster. We had lots of fun though! this is only the half way up point!

There were quite a few people already there!

Arianna LOVED it and kept saying she was cold but wanted more. Thanks old man winter! I haven't been on a sled since the early 90's! (I think)


Snow day= play day

Oh my goodness.....I got a lot accomplished on our wonderful snow day! First, 2 loads of laundry cleaned and put away, dish washer done, all floors vacuumed or swiffered, warm dinner in the crock pot and an abundance of computer time! I think I could live on the computer and just read my way through life! As you can tell, I redesigned my blog. Dang, it's harder than it looks. As LOMA mentioned on her blog, if you know how to design your own handwriting fonts via HTML inserts or know a website that you do not have to pay, please pass it on! As for now, I'm done, this is it! It's not exactly what I envisioned but everything I did was FREE so it's as good as it gets. I am still a newbie!

Now, the agenda for today--pajamas, pizza and snacks, Tivo, movies and I am going to make Steven play the question game tonight as we sit around with the fire on. Don't be jealous about my snowed in evening! haha


Flashback Friday!

Me, Esther (pregnant with Arianna) and Sarah in February 2007! We threw a shower at the old Cottonwood Country Club for Esther, her friends and co-workers. A few weeks later a teeny tiny Arianna was born! This was my first live birthing experience and it was amazing! Two years later in July 09, I watched another live birth when little Avonlea made her early debut.


Thursday Thoughts

All of my thoughts stem from recent conversations or things I've heard lately.

* I never had a sister until I turned 18 and Sister Sarah came into my life. Too bad she wasn't a man, we are perfect together! :o) She is one of only a few people I am happy to sit back and enjoy the ride with while she controls everything.

* How come when the weather forecast is supposed to be bad people buy bread? Really? Do you really eat bread? I can guarantee that most households can live out of their pantry for a few days without rushing out for bread and still feed a family of 4.

* Change, I hate change just as much as the next person. Change used to = anxiety.There is a country song that says "the only thing that stays the same is everything changes" and that is so scary. Sometimes, the change is necessary and although it seems hard, it turns out to be the best in the end.

* Mr. Clean erasers are amazing. If you haven't tried one, please do! You will be surprised at the amount of cleaning one little white sponge can do and it lasts a really long time!

* Forgiveness, I think the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

* how come when you are trying to diet you think of foods you normally wouldn't? If you know the answer, please advise!

* One of the best parts of my day is singing random songs with Loma or watching her dance. It can literally bring me to tears from laughing! Music is one of my favorite things in the world!

* Bring on the snow day tomorrow!

Knoxville -10

Knoxville was tons of fun! We shopped Market Square and hit up all the cute boutiques, got pedicures at SoHo, ate a bunch of yummy food and caught up on the latest news. There was also a special appearance by some crazy Guidettes. In no particular order....

Fist Pumpin' began at 9pm haha (do not look at my pj moose bottoms)A special production by KPOWW and Sweet Sensation (I look so hideous, huh!) We had rollers under our hair for the "bump" look and used make up from Sephora samples.
Our production crew, look at my big orange head!!!!

The Blondies-Beth and Natalie

The Brunette's- Sister Sarah and Me

Beth got an awesome camera from Santa so we practiced using it downtown. Here are some candid fun shots we took downtown.

Hear no Evil, See no Evil, speak no Evil

Walking like models

Jumpin' for joy

Just call me Air Jordan, guess I can jump okay We had TONS of fun together as usual. :o) Thanks for a fabulous weekend, girls! Who's hosting next?


Whatcha Thinkin' Thursday?

* January is apparently baby month- first Addie, then my cousin gave birth to her first child-Gabrielle this morning. Also this week my other cousin will become a first time parent to a little boy who's name will not be revealed (even to his own mother) until his debut! That's 2 Chartier babies in a week! Yay, my Grandma is a great Grandmother!

* I'm ready for girls' weekend in Knoxville.

* I absolutely LOVE T's Auto Detail because my SUV looks amazing! Totally worth it, I squealed with glee as did Loma upon entering the car. There was a fun pattern vacuumed into my floor mats. (doesn't take much people) If you want his number, let me know. I was referred to him and I will be happy to refer others.

* Come on Spring break! woo-hoo

* If you are texting AND reading a magazine simultaneously while sitting on a piece of workout equipment you will be told on. Yep, I told. No point in you using the equipment as a chair while 2 people are waiting to use it. Believe me, I am no work out fan, but I am also not a fan of watching you text, smack your gum, and read while there is a wait for the machines.


McFatty Monday has moved!

....mine will now be McFatty Saturday. In speaking (or whining) to the hubster he told me since our cheat night is Saturday, by Monday morning my body hasn't regulated itself back to diet mode and my body is still retaining the sodium content of the weekend. Therefore, when I step on the scale and scream bright and early on Monday morning, I feel better knowing one of the reasons. So, now I will be weighing in and updating my McFatty on Saturday morning-before the cheating!

*3lbs lost
* never ate so much fruit in my life
*sticking to the workout routine with Loma and Esther as best we can. (I did work out Sunday, but missed today due to work and changes)
*Ready for my weekend with the girls!



On Friday I will be heading to Knoxville for my weekend with the girls! I love my college friends and am so glad we stay in touch although none of us live in the same city! We try to get together every 2-3 months in Atlanta, Memphis, Jackson, Nashville or Knoxville and spend the weekend doing something location specific and of course-catching up! We planned a spa day but they spa couldn't accommodate 4 of us so instead we are eating lunch at Cafe4, shopping the Knoxville Market, enjoying pedicures/manicures at Soho and eating dinner at Lakeside Tavern.

Six Flags water park Atlanta

Beth's weekend-visiting UTM and our old stompin' grounds

I'm excited to catch up on the latest news and make more memories. Stay tuned for pictures!


Thursday Thoughts

Not too many random thoughts. I am tired and I've had no TV all week so Tivo is calling!

* I think all the Kardashian sisters have fabulous hair. Wish mine would be that long and healthy. Theirs is just beautiful all the time!

* Heidi is totally ruining herself--makes me sad.

* If you have your Christmas lights/tree up and still on--unacceptable. It's been 20 days, at least turn them off people!

* I'm loving CJ's Steven Madden boots and now I have to have some too! :o)

* I hate pumping gas.

* I love snail mail!


McFatty Monday

I jumped on the McFatty Monday blog wagon. First, I am not going to post fatty pics because I am not trying to lose tons of weight, just get healthier. I will never be tiny. Second, I would like to be comfortable with myself and my clothes. This gluten free lifestyle I've been on for 8 months has kicked my butt. Yes, my stomach aches are GONE, and my migraines are better. Yes I gave up bread, cakes and normal cereal too! All of these are my favorites. But, gluten free has A LOT of sugar and fat in it to substitute for the gluten loss. My soy milk has lots of sugar and 4 grams of fat. That's a lot for a drink. So, now I am going to try to do healthy foods- meat, veggies, fruit, stay away from HIGH gluten products and slowly try to watch my weight, stomach aches and over all health by myself. Still, no bread, cakes or cereal as those were my severe pain contributors. It's going to be hard but I am trying. Did you know bouillon cubes are high gluten? Seriously, it's in everything! Besides changing my foods yet again, LOMA and I started working out last week.
Monday- Zumba class with Esther
Tuesday- cardio/weights
Thursday- cardio/weights
This is what I committed to already 100% with Fridays being an option if our schedules allow. Right now, 3 days is plenty with everything else I have going on.

So, that's my news in a nutshell. Dinner tonight? Salads- fat free ranch ,cheese, walnuts, cranberries with baked chicken. I will also start posting some totally delish recipes next week!



My weekend technically began on Wednesday evening when we got the best call ever-schools out! Here are some pictures...I didn't go out and play, but Zane did. He runs like a wild dog in the back yard but it was so cold even he wanted to come in.

Friday I shopped during the day with mom, cleaned, wandered around the house and watched no TV. I was busy! That night I went to dinner with friends. Can't remember who or how, but new words and memories were made that night. We've coined the term Entrevious pronounce, Entre-V-us when you like someone elses food better than yours. Not to be confused with Contavious, or Adrevious, previous students who had such names. (no lie)

On Saturday I watched Rice and Beans while mommy and daddy went out to celebrate his birthday. We played Aquadoodle...

posed little bean on the couch...look at those little socks and double chin!
loved on each other, put together puzzles, or ripped them apart and watched some cartoons. Then Grandma came to get them for overnight. I spent the rest of the evening eating out with the hubby who went hunting all day. Did you know it's the last weekend of the season? No Bambi today, my friend. Sadly, he got a call over dinner about an emergency-ugh. We didn't start our movie til he got home at 11:15pm. BIG. MISTAKE. Paranormal Activity was so scary to me... it gave my abs (do I even have abs) a severe workout. I was tense and jumpy through the whole thing. Okay, it's not scary as in boo-ahhh, it's mentally freaky in that you can't see anything but supposedly the video camera can! I won't give anything else away.
Now, it's ALMOST back to work time...it was a nice long weekend!


Flash back Friday-college

In 2001 the theme of UTM Lip Sync was TV theme songs when you were growing up. I was Betty from the Flintstones. I even made that dress from scratch and ran around bare foot! Sarah was the camp girl from Solute Your shorts. Can't remember if we won or not, but memories were made! In the years to come, I also played Monica Lewinsky and Frank Sinatra. I can't remember all the "themes" but those were some awesome days!


Thursday Thoughts...

* If you think getting married will make you happy it won't, neither will having a baby, that new car, etc. These are temporary fixes to the real problem. You'll only be happy in life when you are happy within yourself.

*If the only best friend you have is your husband, re-evaluate! Yes, you should be equally yoked and he SHOULD be your best friend. But, he shouldn't be your ONLY best friend. If you don't have a circle of girlfriends to hang out with, you are missing out. If he doesn't get a game night out with the guys, he is missing out. You had friends before your marriage, you should keep those friends after your marriage.

* Stop complaining about the quantity of snow we did/didn't get. Tennessee people freak out and drive even more crazy at the thought of snow possibilities. The snow is not dangerous it's the drivers! We have 10 built in calendar snow days, if we don't use them, we lose them. As a teacher, we might as well use them, I don't get paid.

* If your answer is always no, or I can't, people will stop asking the questions. Period.

* Children's laughter is quite possibly one of the best noises-EVER!

* Having a clean house makes me feel accomplished.

* Take vacations...it baffles me to think people have never left their time zones. Get out, see the world, or the state next to you! It just might change your views!

* Use coupons or at least get a Kroger/Publix card. Why would you not want to save free money when it costs you nothing? You're basically telling me that if a $5.00 bill was on the ground you would walk right past it if you are too lazy to add a scan card to your key ring.

* Yes, I like Jersey Shore. Yep, I realize these people are crazy and completely different from me and my lifestyle. That's why I like it, because these kind of people really exist! The hair, tans, and short jorts--all of it is entertaining! I'm hooked on Guido's and Guidettes!


Forgot to Mention....

....Stunner called me from Africa from a 0000000-656-7-8-98923 number which I didn't answer. Luckily, she got me on the house phone. (#1 Stunner picture) Now, I love all you peeps, she just wins the award for being the farthest continent away. I told her I would give her a shout out from home!

A Little Bit of Everything

Happy birthday to me. Turned the big 2-8...always thought 28 was super old. Like, my life should all be mapped out, 100% perfect, 2.5 kids, white picket fence with a dog, baking apple pies to pass out to the neighbors and and living happily ever after. I've got bits and pieces of that stereotypical "all American dream" but I don't know how much of it is OUR dream. I am always scared to be too much like everyone else. Just imagine what I've been thinking with all this free time the last 2 weeks. No wonder I can never sleep. Anyways, OUR dreams will be happening in the near future. Stay tuned for that! Anyways, great birthday, yummy cookie cake minus all that icing that was put on there for everyone else, got a Coach bag, clothes, cute dress flats, more of my Food Network bake ware I am collecting and some miscellaneous stuff. Great Day! Sorry, we could not take a serious picture to save our lives, in every picture me, Steven, Mom or Justin --one of us looked wonky!
New Years was lots of fun too. Again, no pictures. We FINALLY got into Chuy's (40 minute wait) and I loved, loved, loved it. Yes, to me it is worth the hype. If you don't believe me, I made a list:
*only one menu item over 10 bucks
*FREE nacho bar while you wait with all the toppings
*everything is made to order fresh, they gave us a spiel about nothing is frozen but ice cream and french fries from the kid menu
*great atmosphere for large groups, loud people, people with screaming kids-the works would enjoy it.
* my Chuychanga was so fresh and had no icky grease. It was still good the next day as the portions are also very big.
*GIRLS- We are totally going when it is my time to host girls' weekend twenty-ten!