Happy birthday to me. Turned the big 2-8...always thought 28 was super old. Like, my life should all be mapped out, 100% perfect, 2.5 kids, white picket fence with a dog, baking apple pies to pass out to the neighbors and and living happily ever after. I've got bits and pieces of that stereotypical "all American dream" but I don't know how much of it is OUR dream. I am always scared to be too much like everyone else. Just imagine what I've been thinking with all this free time the last 2 weeks. No wonder I can never sleep. Anyways, OUR dreams will be happening in the near future. Stay tuned for that! Anyways, great birthday, yummy cookie cake minus all that icing that was put on there for everyone else, got a Coach bag, clothes, cute dress flats, more of my Food Network bake ware I am collecting and some miscellaneous stuff. Great Day! Sorry, we could not take a serious picture to save our lives, in every picture me, Steven, Mom or Justin --one of us looked wonky! New Years was lots of fun too. Again, no pictures. We FINALLY got into Chuy's (40 minute wait) and I loved, loved, loved it. Yes, to me it is worth the hype. If you don't believe me, I made a list:
*only one menu item over 10 bucks
*FREE nacho bar while you wait with all the toppings
*everything is made to order fresh, they gave us a spiel about nothing is frozen but ice cream and french fries from the kid menu
*great atmosphere for large groups, loud people, people with screaming kids-the works would enjoy it.
* my Chuychanga was so fresh and had no icky grease. It was still good the next day as the portions are also very big.
*GIRLS- We are totally going when it is my time to host girls' weekend twenty-ten!