Friday I shopped during the day with mom, cleaned, wandered around the house and watched no TV. I was busy! That night I went to dinner with friends. Can't remember who or how, but new words and memories were made that night. We've coined the term Entrevious pronounce, Entre-V-us when you like someone elses food better than yours. Not to be confused with Contavious, or Adrevious, previous students who had such names. (no lie) On Saturday I watched Rice and Beans while mommy and daddy went out to celebrate his birthday. We played Aquadoodle...
posed little bean on the couch...look at those little socks and double chin!

loved on each other, put together puzzles, or ripped them apart and watched some cartoons. Then Grandma came to get them for overnight. I spent the rest of the evening eating out with the hubby who went hunting all day. Did you know it's the last weekend of the season? No Bambi today, my friend. Sadly, he got a call over dinner about an emergency-ugh. We didn't start our movie til he got home at 11:15pm. BIG. MISTAKE. Paranormal Activity was so scary to me... it gave my abs (do I even have abs) a severe workout. I was tense and jumpy through the whole thing. Okay, it's not scary as in boo-ahhh, it's mentally freaky in that you can't see anything but supposedly the video camera can! I won't give anything else away.
Now, it's ALMOST back to work was a nice long weekend!
or Keydarius, Sha'Quavious, Markavious, Tra'Tarrious...(no lie)