...we all do it! We look at what people are wearing, hair styles, etc. whether we are conscious of it or not. The whole point of magazines are to judge the style and if you like it, you buy it, if not you pass. I think the best place to people watch is Six Flags Water Park in Atlanta. Opry Mills Mall however turned out to be graphic t-shirt people watching 2010. The following graphic t-shirts were all seen at the mall today. No lie! I couldn't take a picture so I went to cafepress.com to share these items which are selling for 25$ or more per t-shirt! We also saw a lot of mullet children running around and one guido who stuck out. -kJZZxp2I/AAAAAAAAAmc/1__dP8j_JgQ/s1600/adsfasdfadf.jpg">

I did have a great day shopping Banana Republic/Gap outlets with my momma though!
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