Meet my new baby! I bought this Depression Era buffet piece at an antique store in downtown Franklin on Sunday. It is amazing and will soon be turned into a refurbished piece for my dining room. You know, I fill my house with originals! You can't see it but: it has the original hardware, the wood is magnificent walnut and it is even in scripted to Dr. Buff Barton 1910! I'm in LOVE with it! My dad and I have sanded it, he is fixing one of the legs and spindles and the staining starts tomorrow! I just love sweating with power tools.
When you don't have a computer or phone you spend a lot of time shopping and spending money! This week I planted all my pots and hanging baskets. My old house didn't have a front porch so I'm on the lookout for some more items and rocking chairs. Here are my cute patio cushions that match my lime green umbrella! (CJ do they look familiar?)
Home pictures coming soon! They are all on a different camera card. Also, I haven't finalized any paint colors yet but everywhere you turn there are paint swatches!
I'm a first grade teacher learning to find joy in the journey with my amiable boxer, Zane. Married in 06 and divorced in 11, this blog follows my life and the unscripted moments that make me, me! I'm passionate about my family & friends, worldly travels, flea market finds, other cultures, children, photography, the color green, and willingly succumb to Mexican food any day of the week.
Dang girl! You are serious about that antique! I love those chair cushions. Where are they from?