We're not giving Christmas gifts in the form of money gifts.
(insert gasps, comments, sighs, screams, disgusted faces)
We're giving our TIME!!!
Yep, my husband is totally down for this too. Not just any time but quality time. We're giving of our self instead of our wallet. We feel it's one of the greatest gifts. We're going to donate our time to a food pantry, Christmas fundraisers, Room at the Inn and things of that nature that benefit people and make a difference.
This is where you come in. We need your help and suggestions! Is there a volunteer group, charity, or special holiday event that needs help? WE NEED DETAILS! So far, I haven't heard anything at church but if you know, please email me at Kristy(dot)Hicks(at)hotmail(dot)com
Wanna take the challenge? Let us know, we can do it together!
I think you should donate your time to a charity in Botswana, Africa. ;)