
Jazzin' for Respite

I told you....I've been busy! On September 11th I attended the Jazzin' for Respite auction/benefit downtown Nashville at the Lane Motor Museum. It was lots of fun to get dressed up, sample local foods, and hang out with people from high school along with new friends.
Looks like a toy, huh?
Italian cars
The room was HUGE, warehouse style, and while you couldn't touch any of the $$$ vehicles, you could pose for free.  All the money raised goes directly to the Respite for families with special needs children. 
I was in a few more pictures (these are my camera only)...and it may have made it into the paper...so if you see it, save me a copy!

1 comment:

  1. That first pic is a great one of you! You look so pretty :)


Just droppin' in? Yay, I {HEART} comments!