This is the first holiday that part of my family will not be present. As most of you know, my dad is in India (yes, the country) until May. He will not be home for the holidays...but we still have reason to celebrate the season! Christmas Eve will be at our house this year-a new tradition. We do NOT have a holiday meal. My mom has recipes she ONLY makes on Christmas Eve so they are special. After church we'll be dining on appetizers .... my moms secret recipes for : pizza dip & crackers (sounds icky but it is amazing) her famous crab dip with sides, pounds of peel and eat shrimp and cocktail sauce, spicy and regular sausage balls, spinach queso and a few other items that chef Steven makes but I am not sure of at this point! He too is great in the kitchen! We've followed this menu since moving to TN in 89 since it was just the 4 of us. Can you tell, we love seafood? Inside my house-Here's the living room tree.... 8.5 ft. We can't put ornaments on the bottom half because Mr. Z's toys roll under and we've lost one too many!
My special topper. I don't do stars or angels. My parents have this exact German topper (mom is from Germany) and have used it for 35 years of their marriage and 3 moves. Theirs is blue and still crowns the top of the Chartier tree! I wanted to follow that unique tradition so I got the red/gold German topper. I hope that one day my kids will use it or pass it down. Fun fact, they do not make these state side!
This is the office tree, tall, skinny 6ft. I don't think the picture does it justice, it really glows at night. This is the fun tree: lime green, turquoise and hot pink. (you know I like themes). Sadly, I couldn't find my matching garland...will buy more after Christmas at half the cost. It's not the fullest tree and yes, I realize it looks bare without it!
My topper is just a sparkle sequin burst.

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