Friday night E & R had a Christmas party/scavenger hunt to attend and were in a bind needing someone to watch Avonlea a.k.a beans. After she was born, Steven made a "funny" and we started to refer to Arianna as Rice and Avonlea as beans....get it, rice and beans! Anyways, the two of us had a girls night at my Zane. We spent A LOT of time looking at the Christmas tree lights, drank all 7oz. in our bottle, and got so excited when the pacifier and pj's came out for bed. Zane was super good with her too. He stood guard outside the room she was sleeping in for 3 hours! NO joke, our little playful puppy became an adult watch dog over this baby. After she left he jumped on the bed looking for her! He has NEVER gotten on the bed or any furniture in our house before. Since then, he has snuck into that room and cozied up where the baby slept. I hope he will be protective and love on our babies someday. These aren't the best pictures but it was just the two of us!
I'm a first grade teacher learning to find joy in the journey with my amiable boxer, Zane. Married in 06 and divorced in 11, this blog follows my life and the unscripted moments that make me, me! I'm passionate about my family & friends, worldly travels, flea market finds, other cultures, children, photography, the color green, and willingly succumb to Mexican food any day of the week.
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