
The person who taught me to LOVE ketchup!

My dad! 
** my mother has never touched ketchup, yet my brother and I are huge dunkers!

There's an astronomical different between being a good dad and just having a dad.  Any fool can be a father (look at the statistics) but it takes a special person to be called dad!  I'm so lucky in reflecting my childhood and even now in my adulthood that I have an awesome dad.  The dad that did a whole lot more than just go to work to provide and call it a day like so many. My dad was physically there and actively involved all the time. I had the wonderful dad who jumped on the trampoline, took us 4 wheeling, let me comb his hair while playing beauty salon, and spent quality time with our family. My dad taught me how to drive, tried to teach me algebra tricks, and made me appreciate a dollar. He has done SO much for me and my future. He's been there every step of the way both as a dad and an on call handyman for all my creative dreams. (hehe)  My dad can build, make, and design anything! He can problem solve like no other and has been the biggest helper in both mine and Steven's life. There's nothing too difficult for him to take on.  Thanks for always being an awesome dad, husband, helper, doer, and friend, dad.  Love you!

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